TLC’s Four Weddings
Behind-the-Scenes of Netflix’s Love is Blind (Season #2) by Rev. Phil Landers

Rev. Phil Officiated Danielle & Nick’s Wedding

Rev. Phil Officiated Mallory & Sal’s Wedding
Are They Real Weddings?
That is the #1 question I get asked.
Yes, it’s a real wedding! Friends and family are there, they have a marriage license (see below).
Of course, they only show a very small amount of the actual ceremony on the show.
For Nick & Danielle, it was a complete ceremony – message on love, reading, vows, ring exchange, the kiss (see below).

How Did They Find You?

That’s the 2nd most asked question I am asked.
They were searching for the best Chicago officiant. They read my 490+ reviews, looked at my awards, watched my videos.
So, Netflix asked me – no audition – to officiate. I am the only one they asked to officiate multiple weddings.
I had not seen the show. So, I watched season #1, episode #10, The Weddings. I quickly learned they are real weddings, they are respectful.
I said yes!
How to View The Weddings

Watch Danielle & Nick’s wedding on Netflix, Love is Blind, season #2:
- Episode #9, starting at 49 minutes, 37 seconds (goes for 4 minutes)
- Episode #10, starting at 1 minute, 39 seconds (goes for 2 minutes)

Watch Mallory & Sal’s wedding on Netflix, Love is Blind, season #2:
- Episode #10, starting at 44 minutes, 58 seconds (goes for 5 minutes)
It Was Hot

I’m sure Nick was nervous. But it was really hot – in the 80’s, humid, with the sun shining directly on us. Hard not to squint.
Why an outside ceremony in the summer? The creator of the show, Chris Coelen, told Variety that “They wanted an outdoor wedding. We try to have the couples have as much say in it as possible. We try to facilitate that within reason,” says Coelen. “That’s what Nick and Danielle wanted.”
I was sweating a lot too. But my black suit doesn’t show it. Nick’s light gray suit sure did!

Sal was hot, too. I know, from having done 1200+ weddings – most of them outside – to put a handkerchief in each suitcoat pocket. That way, I can wipe the sweat off my forehead – before it drips into my eyes or on my glasses. Understandably, neither Nick nor Sal were so prepared. So, I gave Sal a handkerchief to wipe his sweat off. In the only ‘human’ moment shown (not strictly as an officiant), Sal asks if he can keep it. Glad to let him. We both chuckle. (See it in episode #10, starting at 45 minutes and 18 seconds.) Knowing how hot it was the day before for Nick and Danielle’s wedding, I put some paper towels in my pockets, too. In the photo on the right, Sal is using one I gave him.

They shot one wedding a day. Nick and Danielle’s, photo on the left, was shot on day #2 – but the first one shown (in a cliffhanger at the end of episode #9). Notice that we are in direct sunlight. Day #3 was Sal & Mallory’s wedding, photo on the right. The crew figured out they needed to put up strips of cloths above our heads – to keep the sun out of our eyes. It helped – see the photos at the top of this page. We are in some shade. But it was still hot and humid.
Both of these photos are shot from the bride’s side – for just to the left of both photos is a camera in the air on a long track (like a railroad’s). It’s how they capture everyone walking down the aisle. I believe there were 7 cameras in all. Very high production values.

Deepti and Shake’s ceremony was flipped, on the west side of the courtyard. They were in the shade of the trees and the chuppa (well, that’s what the covering is called at Jewish weddings).See Deepti and her dad walking into direct sunlight? That’s what I faced with Nick and Danielle’s wedding – the entire time.

Two couples – Iyanna & Jarrette and Natalie & Shayne – got to be married indoors. I’m envious. I think all weddings should be indoors. The courtyard in the background – through the windows — is where the other 3 weddings took place.
A Souvenir from Mallory

“Mallory, before we get your decision, please tell Salvador why you fell in love with him in the pods and chose him to be your husband, sight unseen,” I said to the bride.
A bridesmaid hands her a folded piece of paper (red arrow pointing to it.). She reads all of it. Netflix airs most of it. What is in yellow was NOT said. They also swapped the last 2 sentences. (It’s a very tightly and well edited show. The creator, Chris Coelen told the L.A. Times that they filmed 30,000 hours – but show only 10!)
When she is done, she hands it to me – so that she can hold both of Sal’s hands. I put it in my folder.
I still have it! I emailed the producers asking where to return it to her. I never heard back from them.
I First Meet the Couples When They Are Getting Married

The first time I meet the Nick & Danielle, Sal & Mallory, is when they walk on to the stage to get married – while filming! No previous introductions, no rehearsal. I’ve never had that in 1200+ weddings. So, when the TV show presents me fist-bumping Nick, that is the first time we met.
Oh, and that’s all the credit I get on the show, “minister” (in the closed caption.). No name, not even in the credits. (That’s true for the venue as well – which is Ravisloe Country Club in Homewood, IL. One wedding I did there – outside, in the same courtyard – was in the 40’s. The bridesmaids were shivering. Not an issue for Love is Blind!)
It’s reality TV alright. I had no help with hair or makeup (which I have gotten when I was interviewed on Chicago TV newscasts.)
Photos via Netflix
My Wife and I Watched the Show Like You Did
I do NOT know any of the back stories of the couples I officiated for. So, my wife and I watched the show just like you did. (Being married 38 years, we don’t normally watch dating shows.) She tells me NOT to tell her anything in advance. She wants to enjoy the drama. (Love is Blind does cliffhangers really well.)
When Jarrette is all-but-proposing to Mallory, well, I knew that wasn’t going to work out – since I officiated Mallory and Sal’s wedding! Made it way more fun for me to watch the show.

When Nick proposes and Danielle accepts, my wife applauds! She was rooting for them. When, after the episode #9 cliffhanger, Nick says “I do”, Pam cheers! She had continued to root for them. I, of course, knew the outcome – but did not tell my wife ahead of time. After the show ends, I tell her all of these back stories.
2 Different Outcomes

Danielle and Nick were married the moment I pronounced them husband and wife – because I said it! I can change a couple’s legal status with just my words. (It’s as delightful as it sounds.)
Then, the kiss – with a dip!

I asked Sal, “Do you take Mallory to be your wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, as long as you both shall live?” (The show edited that down.)
The closed caption captures it well “[shakily] I cannot.”
The moment after made a British website’s Top 15 Moments.

#15. The officiant at Mallory and Sal’s wedding shedding actual tears
My whole heart was ripped out when Sal said “I do not” because he needed more time. He was in tears, Mallory was in tears, all the friends and family were in tears, and then it panned back to the officiant… who looked as though he was also cryin

I do get emotional at weddings.
As Promised, The Most Romantic Thing That Happened OFF-CAMERA. This has NOT been published anywhere, on any website, until now.
After Nick & Danielle’s wedding is over, I join the guests – of whom I know none – for cocktails and hors d’ouerves. I want a cold beverage. So I drink water – and then white wine (because it’s chilled). The best man tells me that Nick always wanted to have a minister marry him. I am. A producer hands me the marriage license. I fill it out. “I’ll mail it in,” I say. “It’s a misdemeanor in Illinois if I don’t.” “No,” they say. “We want it back, in case they change their mind.” After assuring me they will send it to the Cook County Clerk’s office, I hand it back. (It’s their show.) I continue chatting with the guests. A few minutes later, the same producer comes back and hands me the envelope with the marriage license in it. “They want you to send it in.
They are not changing their minds”. I tear up – like I did the next day at Mallory & Sal’s wedding. That is so touching, so romantic! You read it here first (and only here).

Rev. Phil helps Rita & Randy win on TLC’s Four Weddings TV show! (The video is 2 minutes, 18 seconds)
See every scene in Four Weddings that Rita & Randy are in. (The video is 8 minutes, 58 seconds)